Chat Revenge

Some girls are sluts. No matter what you do or how much you love them, they end up being self-righteous bitches who break your heart. But are you gonna let them play with you? I don't think so. The best you can do is dump them and show the world how slutty they actually are! Chat Revenge is a new cool site where many ex-girlfriends have already been exposed and where you can share your formerly-private homemade porn videos and photos, or just sit back and enjoy watching someone else's ex-girlfriend do something nasty. This place is full of everyday folks' stuff that was either submitted to the site by these people or get harvested from social media sites. Photos that were taken down from Facebook, sexy Snapchats, explicit photos shared on Twitter and of course, many really hot selfies hacked straight from ex-girlfriends' mobile phones are all here. It's not really clear what this site has to do with chatting...

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